Some cool winter fashion images:
Winter fashions, 1836
Image by Claremont Colleges Digital Library
Item Title: Winter fashions, 1836
Description/Notes: Seven women are shown in fashions for January 1836. The woman in the top left hand corner faces the viewer and is shown from the waist up. She has two pink roses in her hair, which is dressed into a small bun with bunches of curls on the sides, a few long curls on her neck, and short curled bangs. She wears a diadem with a double row of beads, a brooch with three pendant teardrops, and a double strand pearl necklace. She wears an off-the-shoulder white dress with horizontal pleating on the bodice. The dress has short, puffed sleeves ending in large ruffles at the upper arm. A pink rose with green leaves decorate each shoulder. The woman in the top center is shown from the knees up. She wears a white, ruffled headdress with sprigs of blue and white flowers. She wears a pair of dangling earrings and a flower shaped brooch. The bodice is light blue with white lace trim along the off-the-shoulder neck. Darker blue ribbons accent her very wide, white, elbow length sleeves. The darker blue ribbon is tied in one large bow at the shoulder and in several smaller bows around the cuff. A ribbon sash of the same color blue is tied in a bow around her waist. She wears a pair of white gloves with ruffled hems. In her hand she holds a bouquet of green flowers with a large pink rose in the middle. The skirt is very wide and pleated, and has no pattern or design as far as the viewer can see. The woman in the top right hand corner is shown from the shoulders and has her back turned toward the viewer. Her hair is up in a small bun, with side curls and curls at the back of the neck, with pearls intertwined. Her dress is off the shoulder and has horizontal pleating on the bodice. A small bow adorns the top of the pleated area and white lace trims the neck. A single rose with leaves is attached to the top of each sleeve at the shoulder. The woman on the far left, about halfway down the page, is shown from the shoulders up and is turned away from the viewer. She wears a white bonnet adorned with yellow ribbons and bows. She has a high, ruffled collar attached to sheer material leading to a simple, white back. The woman on the far right, about halfway down the page, faces the viewer. She is shown from about mid-bodice and up. She wears a white bonnet with a flared, ruffled brim. The middle of a pink ribbon lies on the crown of her head and the two ends goes underneath the bonnet and around from behind to cascade down either side. Small pink roses and sprigs of white flowers decorate the space in between the ribbon and the bonnet. Her dress has a high, ruffled, white collar with a single column of ruffles down the center of her pleated bodice. Another wider collar comes around her shoulders and crosses in the center of the bodice. A floral pattern adorns each lapel. The woman in the bottom left hand corner is shown from head to toe. She wears a gray bonnet with red edging. Sprigs of red berries adorn the top of the bonnet and a smaller bit inside the brim. The ruffled edge of a mob cap can be seen underneath the inside of the bonnet. A grey ribbon ties the bonnet underneath her chin. Her dress has a very wide, white collar with ruffles around the edge. The rest of her dress is brown and a double row of ruffles goes down the center of the dress from her collar to the hem. Very large epaulets cover the shoulders of her very wide, puffed sleeves. She wears a pair of white gloves and holds a green flower in her hand. She wears a long narrow white scarf around her shoulder on one side and under her arm on the other. The scarf is patterned with single, brown dots in the center of white squares marked by black lines. The ends of the scarf have fringe and tassels. She wears a brown belt with an oval belt buckle. She wears a pair of black shoes with white stockings. The woman in the bottom right hand corner is shown from head to toe. She faces the viewer and wears a white headdress with white feathers at the top. An ornament with four jets decorates the front of the headdress. She wears a fillet of a double row of beads. She wears a pair of dangling, diamond shaped earrings. Her dress is off-the-shoulder and very pale yellow, with elaborate lace and yellow satin accents. A piece of white lace peeks through the top of the collar creating a straight line across the "V" shape of the collar. A brooch sits right below the "V" connecting the two sides of the collar. An intricate floral lace pattern adorns the collar around the shoulders and down into another "V" at the waist. A long, scalloped, white lace ruffle trims the edge of the collar and hangs over the edge on the shoulders. Her sleeves are very wide and hang far below her waist. The sleeves are lined with bright yellow satin which matches the bows at the inner elbows of the sleeves and the bow created by the sash at her waist. The same floral lace pattern as on the collar trims the sleeve cuffs. She wears a pair of white gloves with ruffles on them, and holds a black fan in her left hand. Her white overdress is open at the waist, revealing a bright yellow satin underskirt. The floral pattern lines the front edges and hem of the white overdress. She wears a pair of white shoes with white stockings.
Item Number: fpc00483
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact the Ella Strong Denison Library.
Click here for the original item.
See the Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century for the original collection.
Winter Berry Beaded Scarf
Image by Lady Zarobi
Alternating single and double-crochet for a highly textured pattern, there are glass beads woven randomly into this 6-foot cotton scarf to give it some sparkle. (D315)
Image by Elif Ayiter/Alpha Auer/..../
A Frigg Ragu/alpha.tribe collaboration which can also be obtained at Frigg's island "The Companion": This comes with a fur hat, fur collar, fur sleeves, belts and a skirt and there is a light and a dark version for both men and women all in the same box. Not to mention male and female AO's and two sleighs. One small one you can ride and another one for photo shoots.
Visit alpha.tribe at Klein: